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‘Wonderland’, by Alicia Omedes

‘Wonderland’, by Alicia Omedes

15/11 - 23/11

Alicia Omedes at the DOCfield Festival 2018

The Cromo Gallery exhibits for the first time and within the framework of the DOCfield Festival 2018
selection of photographs by Alicia Omedes. Alicia is a young photographer who for almost 70 years has lived transforming the world around her with her restless and challenging creativity.
Omedes uses photography to discover another reality. Appropriating the reflexes and
of various elements of the city she builds a parallel world and in another dimension,
turning the urban corners into an extraordinary fusion and juxtaposition of planes
loaded with theatricality and sensuality.

I met Alicia a few years ago, when she was painting some fabrics in which
thousands of plates, cutlery, books and all kinds of objects were piled up, ones
over others, in a bizarre balance. That pictorial landscape clearly on the edge of
chaos involved an unusual energy and rhythm, dare I say exciting, and
orchestrated with daring perspectives of thick fillings and vivid colors. But
I especially called the moment. Because the artist recreated the moment
previous and immediate to the collapse of that world with the same precision with
what a photographer would do when shooting his camera.

Those paintings evoked the change, the transience, the change, the fickleness, the ephemeral …
I sense that Alicia feels this provisional nature of things with great force and as something
own. I suspect that for years she has been living as a nomad, looking for other spaces
related. Perhaps yearning to find a dimension that allows her to feel passionately
extreme and express, without limitations or conditioning, her way of understanding and seeing this
world. Because the one we inhabit is insufficient to feed her voracity of life and satiate that tremendously original mind.


The paintings of the kaos were the experimentation and, without a doubt, the border that allowed her
enter that other world that was looking for, “Wonderland.” From where she is now,
this curious girl does not reconsider. Just watches and shoots, capturing with her camera an
amazing landscape of overlapping layers that most of us are not able to
see. Sometimes, Alicia portrays herself and fuses in that singular horizon. I believe that she
feels comfortable and safe in “Wonderland”.

Mercedes Durban Monreal
Art consultant
Barcelona, September 2018.


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